Frequently Asked Questions



Are AI solutions that are still in the ideation stage eligible to participate in the Challenge?


Yes, solutions in ideation stage are accepted. 


Do I need to be an AI expert or data scientist to apply?


No, we welcome proposals from individuals and teams with different backgrounds and skills. You don't have to be an AI expert.

Your proposal should clearly show how you plan to use AI to address climate change in developing countries. If AI is new to you, list partners you plan to work with to develop and implement your proposed AI solution.

The AI Innovation Grand Challenge values diverse ideas and skills. We believe that people from different fields working together can create the best solutions for climate change.


Can I apply as an individual?  


Yes, we accept proposals from individuals, including students.  Affiliation with a private business, public institution, or any other organization is not required.  


How will I be notified if I’ve made it to the next round?


All applicants will be notified by email.


If I don’t win the Grand Challenge, can I still submit my AI solution to be included in the AI Climate Application Hub?




How can I find out more information about the AI Climate Application Hub?


Enterprise Neurosystem will update this site when the AI Climate Application Hub is launched in the fall of 2024. For the latest updates, please sign up for email updates or follow us on LinkedIn.


Is there a maximum number of team members allowed per proposal?


No, however, only one prize will be awarded per team.  If your team wins the Grand Prize, the Challenge will cover the travel expenses to COP 29 for only one member of the team. 


Who will see my submission proposal?


All initial submissions will only be visible to the judges. In the final round, applicants may indicate if you want the submissions to be publicly viewable on the contest site.


Can I submit more than one proposal?


Yes, however, only one prize will be awarded per individual or team.


Where can I find more information about the TEC rolling workplan (2023-2027) and the   Technology Mechanism Joint Work Programme (2023-2027)


Visit: TEC rolling workplan (2023-2027) and the Technology Mechanism Joint Work Programme (2023-2027)


Where can I find out more information about the Enterprise Neurosystem?


Please visit the Enterprise Neurosystem website and follow us on LinkedIn


Where does the intellectual property right of my submission belong? 

  By participating in the AI Innovation Grand Challenge, you grant Enterprise Neurosystem and UNFCCC a non-exclusive license to use your submission for Challenge-related purposes while retaining your intellectual property rights. Participants also agree to indemnify Enterprise Neurosystem and UNFCCC from any claims arising from their participation, and open-source AI applications submitted to the AI Climate Application Hub will be considered public domain. 

Can I get some tips on how to write a good proposal?


Yes, here are some tips to help you craft a strong proposal:

  1. Address the evaluation criteria:
    • Carefully review the posted evaluation criteria and make sure you fully understand each one.
    • Your proposal should directly respond to each criterion.
    • Pay particular attention to:
      • Applicability to developing countries: Explain how your AI applications can be implemented and benefit communities in these regions.
      • Alignment: Clearly state how your proposed solution aligns with the goals of the TEC rolling workplan (2023-2027) and the Technology Mechanism Joint Work Programme (2023-2027).
  1. Be specific:
    • Problem definition:
      • Clearly define the problem you're trying to solve.
      • Who is affected, and what's the scale of the problem (number of people, countries, communities)?
    • Why AI:
      • Explain how AI will be used to solve this problem.
      • What outcomes can AI achieve that aren't possible with current methods?
    • Expected outcome: Describe the specific results and impacts you expect to see from your solution.
      • How does your solution reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Please quantify, if possible.
      • How does your solution support climate change adaptation and resilience?

  1. Be bold: Highlight what makes your solution unique and innovative.
14. Will there be information sessions about the contest? 
  We held virtual information sessions in early August. If you missed the live webinar, visit the  Info Session  page to watch the recording. 
15. More Questions? Contact Us